Year 5
Teachers – Miss Stringfellow & Mrs Hudson-Shaw
Teaching Partners – Mrs Somerset and Miss Arscott
Year 5 are working really hard to develop their Growth Mindset through perseverance, learning from
our mistakes and the power of yet. The children have started the Spring Term with their Dreams and
Goals Jigsaw unit thinking about what they aspire to be when they grow up.
Year 5 are learning about the Ancient Greeks as part of their History Topic this term. They started off
the topic learning about the different time periods of Ancient Greeks before moving on to learn
about their governments. The children will spend time learning about Ancient Greek civilisation to
learn about how the Ancient Greek’s lived. They will also spend time understanding the different
states in Ancient Greece and the contrast between Athens and Sparta. The children will finish off
their learning about the Ancient Greeks with Alexander The Great.
In Geography, the children will focus their learning on the USA. They will learn about the different
states, the different USA landscapes, compare different cities across the USA and plan their own trip
to the USA. They will also link their science learning with the USA when studying the moon landing
and the space race.
In Science, the children are extremely excited to be learning all about Earth and Space. We are also
in the process of organising an astronomy evening so that the children can see the moon, stars and
(hopefully) another planet through a telescope. The children will learn about our solar system, how
we have day and night, how seasons occur, the moon landing and moon craters. We are also reading
the text Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.
Please see our Spring Term Topic web below for more information on our Year 5 curriculum!
We are really proud of the super-start that the Year 5’s have made. They have returned to school
after the Christmas break full of enthusiasm and the motivation to be the best they can be.
How can I help my child?
Useful Websites
Weekly News
Termly News
Class Routines
- Weekly news will be sent out via parent mail every Friday.
- Homework will be sent via parent mail and must be completed by the following Friday
- PE days are Monday with Mrs Hudson-Shaw and Wednesdau with Mr Andrews
- Please encourage your child to read at least three times per week- they will receive a hole punch in their bookmark, which over time leads to a reward.
Growth Mindset
Growth mindset is about having a positive attitude and supports being a successful learner.
Showing a growth mindset helps us face challenges, overcome failure and
be resilient. At WCP we celebrate mistakes in all subjects as we know that that can be the first attempt in learning. We discuss how our
learning behaviours contribute to be successful in school and relate this to
future ambitions. Each term we focus on a particular learning behaviour
that is linked to growth mindset and certificates are awarded to children who show these learning behaviours in school.
Autumn 1 - Hardworking
Autumn 2 - Reflective
Spring 1 - Persevering
Spring 2 - Up for a challenge
Summer 1 - Understanding of Others
Summer 2 - Curious
How can I help my child?
Check here for ways to support your child
Useful Websites
Check here for useful websites